Director of Population Health

USC School of Pharmacy

Dr. Jessica Abraham is Director of Population Health for the USC Mann School of Pharmacy, where she establishes partnerships with stakeholders to develop value-based pharmacy strategies aligned with their population health priorities. She directs the USC Virtual Pharmacist Care Center (VPCC), which provides medication management services remotely. Her USC VPCC team is comprised of clinical pharmacists and technicians as well as pharmacy residents, interns and students who support the provision of clinical services using a combination of video and/or telephonic outreach. Additionally, she manages the operations of various population health initiatives at USC, such as the California Right Meds Collaborative (CRMC), which is an innovative healthcare solution that pairs physicians with pharmacists to save time, money and lives. Dr. Abraham completed her Doctorate of Pharmacy and PGY-1 pharmacy practice residency in ambulatory care at the University of Southern California (USC) Mann School of Pharmacy. Previous to her current employment with USC, she worked in HealthCare Partners, now part of Optum as of 2019. Dr. Abraham was also one of the lead pharmacists providing care as part of USC’s $12 million CMMI grant promoting pharmacists collaboratively working with physicians to improve patient care and health outcomes while reducing costs.